The development of the business in the last decade is characterized by rapid changes that are often difficult to predict. But basically the development will lead to a condition that is increasingly violent competition and all players in the business world are required to be able to face the tough competition for the continuity of the company.

As for Steps taken to overcome the challenge is to conduct a Transformation from supplier product (product provider) to Solution Provider (solution Provider).

As a solution provider, the product is a package of solutions developed from ideas for To address the problems experienced by customers, and not Again worrying about competence in the aspect of quality, cost and delivery As in the product supplier stage, because the factor is not Longer a constraint.

Direction of commercial vessel product development Focused on international markets especially western Europe, especially Market opportunities (niche market) through products that have the function of Special additions with branding such as "Star 50 (50,000 DWT).

While The growth of commercial vessel sales continues to be maintained with Optimization "product mixed such as ship Bulker, Container and Tanker, whether it is Chemical Tanker or Gas Tanker.  The market in For commercial vessel products directed at the development National shipping industry models or cruise pioneers for Passengers and goods (cargo).  While the marketing direction of ship products War/speed boat/Special ship is more focused on the market in For central government such as the Ministry of Defence, Police, Ministry of Marine Affairs, Department of Finance/Directorate of General Customs & Excise and regional and private autonomy.

Direction Development of maintenance and repair services (Harkan), good Ships and non-ship services include the service of Depo-level vessels With docking capacity up to 600,000 DWT per year, annual/ Special survey and overhaul for commercial vessel and warship, Harkan Electronics and weapons as well as overhaul submarines. Â Market Opportunities Mainly in the domestic market, originating from the TNI-AL, private and government.

Direction Development of general engineering products directed at the maintenance and Development of company position as supplier "sourcing The world's major power generation industries, while Modular products and EPC will be more focused for the domestic market. To support the development direction of the company, Cooperation with Mitsubishi Heavy Industry in the field of design Boilers for electric power generation, Wartsila for engine assembly Of diesel, AMEC Process & Energy for the design of gas turbine systems and steam.

The world of business in global competition at this time is full of dynamics and rapid change. PT PAL INDONESIA (Persero) circumvent this challenge by making fundamental changes aimed at creating a system with a stronger and more sustainable foundation. PT PAL INDONESIA (PERSERO) 's strategy in dealing with these changes and improving the competitiveness of the company is to make the following breakthrough:

  • Application of front-end back end mechanism in business development
  • Project financing to optimize production facilities
  • Increased productivity through the implementation of Full Block Outfitting System (FSOB)
  • Optimization of production equipment
  • PIM (Productivity & Measurement) Centre
  • Welding Centre
  • Policy and policies that lead to the application of the practices of Good Corporate Governance at PT PAL INDONESIA (Persero).

Pt PAL INDONESIA (PERSERO) strives to improve the Its ability to be able to win increasingly stringent global competition.

Initiatives applied in the face of global competition are:

  • Demonstrate product excellence that has been recognized during the Initial product such as a merchant ship up to 50,000 DWT (Star-50)
  • Filling market opportunities for the product
  • Facing direct global competition

Initiative Combined with this flexibility ultimately results in A product innovation called Star 50. This Star 50 will continue Developed in order to have a competitive advantage and Pioneering flagship product for other products underneath.

Star 50 It is an innovation in ship production that successfully adds Vessel capacity with the Box Shaped Bulk Carrier (BSBC) technology.

Besides Production capability, production process is always improved Quality so that the products can be completed according to the deadline The promised time. Full Block Outfitting System Implementation is a concrete effort to achieve this.

It is Demonstrate the strong willingness of the company to continuously improve Operations as demonstrated by the results of the Among others, increased production methods with the implementation of Full Block Outfitting System, which is building blocks that have been equipped With piping system, fitting and punctual assembled with heavy Up to 300 tons per block. In turn later the process Will accelerate the period of ship building so time and cost The production will be efficient and will naturally increase the competitiveness Company. With this implementation all, trend submission of production results Each year will increase.

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