PT. PAL Indonesia (Persero) received an award of 3 million working hours without a working accident by the Ministry of Manpower in 2019, where the program aims to develop K3 for companies in Indonesia. 3 million without work accidents does not mean that the company does not have a working accident at all, but it does not lose 2 days of work after a working accident and it does not cause death or fatality. In the calculation system of this award is counted from 1 November (the previous year) until October 31 (the following year).

Figure 1. The head of the corporate K3LH Bureau conducts the supervision of K3 in PT PAL Indonesia (Persero).
Such achievement is not easy to remember the risk of workplace accidents in very high shipyard industry. But with the implementation of a good and structured K3 system conducted by the Department of K3LH PT. PAL Indonesia (Persero) it can be realized. Kapala Bureau of Corporate K3LH of PT PAL Indonesia (Persero) Andri Cahyo Utomo, S.ST said, "to realize occupational safety in the PT. PAL Indonesia (Persero) We do K3 counseling for all workers, giving understanding to employees and workers to foster a sense of the importance of self-safety. Additionally the K3LH and security divisions also have routine inspection agenda for workers covering equipment, environmental, or individual inspections. Routine inspections are usually also possible suddenly. "

Picture 2. Certificate of Zero Accident award 17,369,219 hours of work without accident
From November 1, 2018 to October 31, 2019, PT PAL Indonesia (Persero) managed to reach 3,054,921 million hours of work without accident. The number has been through an audit process conducted by the Department of Manpower and Transmigration of East Java province. The calculations are based on the total number of employees X (at times) the number of working days in one year. This is a success in the application of Occupational Safety Health (K3) in the working environment of PT PAL Indonesia (Persero) in accordance with the principle of K3 norms that apply. If there are only one worker who cannot work because of a work accident more than 48 hours in a year, then the safety count of working hours must be repeated from the zero point.
"Previously PT PAL Indonesia (Persero) has achieved 17,369,219 working hours without accident counted from November 1, 2013 until October 31, 2018. The award for this achievement was given by the Ministry of Manpower on 29 March 2019. PT PAL Indonesia (Persero) from 2013 until the year 2019 has accumulated 20,424,140 hours of work without accident. "he added.

Fig. 3. Head of Bureau K3LH Corporation explains the achievement of three million hours of work without accident.
Department of K3LH PT. PAL Indonesia (Persero) annually creates statistical data on occupational accidents and recap on a monthly basis in order to be able to control what work accidents occur annually. In this year only happened 4 times a work accident where the victim can return to work before 48 hours. Department of K3LH PT. PAL Indonesia (Persero) seeks to defend the award that has been accepted by continuing to socialize with workers, often conducting inspections, and conducting K3 certification on workers because the certification is important. Hopefully K3 culture continues to be attached to all workers because K3 is a necessity not obligation.
Prepared by: Department of Public Relations of PT PAL Indonesia (Persero).