PT PAL runs a vocational program in the field of welding started in October 2017. Head of the Pusdiklat foundation of PAL, Ir. Heri Sunaryo explained that the vocational program is a form of implementation of BUMN program present for the state (BHUN), where PT PAL has capability in the field of welding. This is the background of Pusdiklat PAL give proposal to the Ministry of BUMN to conduct Vokasi Welder activities. "Our goal is to prepare HR for all energy in Indonesia from Sabang to Merauke especially in the field of Welder", he added. Welder skills obtained can be implemented to build infrastructure to the far reaches of the country with good welder competence and supported by the certification of both the Indonesian Classification Bureau (BKI) and national agencies Professional certification (BNSP).

Figure 1. Head of Pusdiklat PAL Ir. Heri Sunaryo gives explanation on Weld vocations Program
In welder vocational program, there are 3 supporting materials, namely discipline, support, and fights and one main material given to the participants namely welding practice and competency certification. Supporting material in this program is the advantage of PT PAL vocational Program compared to others. "Not all vocations apply discipline. We cooperate with Koarmada II to make the participants more disciplined and form an fights spirit so that participants are not just a worker but can also be entrepreneurial. ", said Ir. Heri. PT PAL's vocational Program also provides practice facility with the remaining steel plates of PT PAL production as material for training. Since the establishment of this vocational Program, there have been 10 batches with the number of participants from 984 people with participants from various BUMN such as PT Angkasa Pura, PT Bank Mandiri, PT Bank BTN, PT Bank BRI, Bank Indonesia, PT Pertamina, and some other State enterprises. In addition, welder Vokasi PT PAL also opened a program for productive teachers (teachers SMK) that has entered 3 batches with a total number of 84 people.
PT PAL's Welder Vocations program has cooperation with many institutions such as deposit guarantor Institutions (LPS), LPS provides CSR to vocational programs to be managed for the advancement of Vocations. Both cooperation with the certification body, which is related to our maritime cooperation with BKI while it is common welding will be directed to the professional certification body. With the spirit of synergy of BUMN, during the implementation of Vokasi, participants stay at Hotel Pesonna (PT Pegadaian). Rate corporate synergy of BUMN differs by rate in general. IR. Heri said this vocational program has a challenge where the participants came from ACEH to Papua with a variety of ethnic and cultural, PAL Pusdiklat combines activities to be well received by the participants. In the early days of the program has not occurred strong cohesion among participants and usually appears dissent. Over time, the interaction is increasingly intense then the relationship between participants is more intimate and full of family. The program has an indicator of unwritten success, seen when farewell at the end of the vocational program in which the participants ' bonding is very well established, proven with the participants crying at the time of separation.
By producing highly qualified graduates, the graduates besides absorbed in the needs of the welder PT PAL also absorbed by many companies engaged in the construction field. In addition to working in the field of Weder, graduates can also become welder instructors (teachers) in various vocational high schools (SMK) in Indonesia. The capability and quality of the graduates make the Welder PT PAL vocational Program known in the national arena. With the quality graduates, Welder vocational Program PT PAL has forward development targets to make the program larger with the number of participants more, so that when the dissemination of information there is a response from the support company to Program for a larger scale.
Prepared by: Department of Public Relations of PT PAL Indonesia (Persero)