Chief of Naval Staff (Kasal) Admiral TNI Siwi Sukma Adji, S.E., M.M., accompanied by general chairman Jalasenastri Ny. Adji. The name of the Indonesian warship (KRI) Semarang-594 which Commanded by Lieutenant-Colonel (P) Pantun Ujung, M.Tr., Hanla., as a preservation KRI Semarang-594, located at the Nusantara Jetty, Tanjung Port Gold, city of Semarang, Wednesday (8/1) night.

Attending the occasion were the main officers of Mabesal, Pangkotama TNl AL, governor of Central Java H. Ganjar Pranowo, S.H., M.I. P with Forkopimda Prov. Jateng, the mayor of Semarang Hendrar Prihadi, S. E., M. M, and Forkopimda Kota, President Director of PT PAL Indonesia (Persero ), The rector of Undip and other invitations.

KRI Semarang-594 was built by PT PAL Indonesia (Persero) and handed over to TNI AL on 21 January 2019 at Ujung Koarmada II Jetty Surabaya, the ship strengthened the main Weapon System tool (Alutsista) in the lineup of Koarmada I under ship units Amphibian (SATFIB). KRI Semarang-594 is one of three LPD vessels ordered by the Navy, from two previous vessels, KRI Banjarmasin-592 and KRI Banda ACEH-593. The ship has a function to assist military distribution of both logistics, military equipment and equipment, and is functioning as a hospital vessel for the relief of natural disasters.

Central Java governor in his speech expressed his pride can stand on KRI Semarang-594. "Tonight I am very proud, can stand and present on the warship of the Republic of Indonesia, named KRl Semarang-594 and more proud of this ship is domestic production, the work of the Indonesian nation, extraordinary," he explained.

According to Indonesia must be Ocean Based Orientation, not only Land Oriented, so the sea is wide and has Extraordinary potential, can be explore for the magnitude of prosperity Indonesian people. He hoped to use the name of Semarang as One of the names of the warship of the Republic of Indonesia, can add Also known heroic people in the fight for Indonesian independence.

"Our blood is boiling, our spirits are blazing when there are other parties who want to undermine and seize the land and spill our blood, even if it is just as one, we are ready to give this soul and body," he explained.

Meanwhile KASAL in his speech said that, The name of an embedded KRI and the name of the vessel, taken from the name of the A port city in Central Java, the city of Semarang, which is one of the International port city in Indonesia, Semarang has a port of On the north coast of Java as the main port of contact Java Island with other islands in Indonesia.

"With the name of Semarang for KRI, it is hoped that the ship will also be able to serve as a liaison and become a means of projecting strength of the TNI and TNI Navy to all regions of the archipelago, as well as the Asian and even international areas , "said Kasal.

Furthermore Kasal said that, taking into consideration the constellation of Indonesian geography as an island country, which is located in the ring of Fire in the event of natural disasters that occurred some time ago, has provided learning ( Lesson learned) to remind how important as a vast island country, the navy must have projection capability and able to provide humanitarian aid to various forms of disaster.

"Therefore, the Navy has been very precise to have a hospital vessel (BRS) in meeting the needs of assignments. This is in line with the Government's policy of implementing the World Maritime Axis program that is the one that is being declared in the sea toll and with the functioning of KRI Semarang-594 as hospital ship (BRS), will strengthen KRI hospital ship Dr. Soeharso-990, who had already mendarmabhaktikan himself for humanity and helped the government programs, "added the number one in the TNI AL line.

In addition Kasal revealed, the presence of KRI Semarang-594 in the ranks of the TNI Navy for a year, will certainly encourage the realization of the MILITARY posture of the Navy that is professional and modern. This vessel can also strengthen the ability to maintain the sovereignty and integrity of the territory of the NKRI, in order to become a globally committed regional power, and in accordance with the supervision of the Government of Indonesia as the world maritime axis.

"This Momentum should we welcome with a sense of pride and gratitude, because the KRI is able to carry out its duties as a guardian of the Indonesian jurisdiction, which carries the role of military, polysionyl and diplomacy," said Kasal.

Activities which are the traditions of the Navy, was livened up with Sendratari Pandanaran of Tirang Community, continued With the surrender of bells from Kasal to the KRI commander and hit the bell 8 times, the use of Udeng of Central Java Governor H. Ganjar Pranowo, S.H., M. IP., to the KRI commander, the submission of a mini Tugu Muda from the mayor Semarang Hendrar Prihadi, S. E, M.M., to the KRI commander and the submission of Miniature KRI Semarang-594 from the KRI commander to the governor of Central Java.

In addition, general Chairman Jalasenastri as the mother of the ship broke the jug accompanied by Ny. Muhammad Ali and vice mayor of Semarang followed by cutting the Tumpeng by the mayor of Semarang handed over to the commander of KRI and a well-loved entertainment with Keroncong music Rock 17.

This series of activities is initiated by the implementation of a pilgrimage to the tomb of Ki Ageng Pandanaran located at Yayasan Pandanaran, Jl. Mugas di, Semarang a few days earlier led by the Commander Lantamal V as Chairman of the Committee Laksma TNI Tedjo Sukmono, S.H., CRMP.

KRI Semarang-594 has a specification length of 124.00 meters, width 21.80 meters, weighing 7200 tons, has a maximum speed of 16 knots with a cruising speed of 14 knots and able to sail in endurance for 30 days.  In addition, KRI Semarang-594 is equipped with two Landing Craft Utilities (LCU) capable of transporting 8 units of type Anoa, 28 trucks, 3 units of helicopters and reinforced 121 ship children and able to transport 650 soldiers.

Adapted from the official Media release of Lantamal V.

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