Environmental green of PT PAL Indonesia (Persero)

PT PAL Indonesia (Persero) has a high commitment in environmental conservation efforts. One such effort is to participate in the government program of planting one billion trees or ' one billion Indonesian trees for the world ' PT. PAL Indonesia (Persero) makes use of vacant land around the company to be… Head of Bureau of Cleanliness and cropping Moch. Junaidi Hidayat, S.ST explains the reforestation to be one of the main concern of PT PAL Indonesia (Persero), "Environmental preservation efforts are done seriously from planting to maintenance. The green effort in addition to making the area of the company to be beautiful also to reduce dust into the workshops, especially in the workshop area of submarine ". An area surrounding submarine hangar is used as a nursery area. Later plants that originated from the seed garden will be planted in the environment of PT. PAL Indonesia (Persero). The Area was inaugurated in 2018 by the President Director of PT. PAL Indonesia Budiman Saleh and symbolically performed tree planting at the ceremony, the nursery area is managed by the PT. Area Division. PAL Indonesia (Persero).

Figure 1. Ka. The Bureau of Gardening and Hygiene shows seedlings in the nursery area of PT PAL Indonesia (Persero)

In 2018 PT. PAL Indonesia (Persero) synergizes with BPDASHL Brantas in the green effort in the company by planting 2000 trees (acacia Tree, Trembesi, Lamtoro, Glodokan Pole, Tanjung and Tabebuya) in the area of PT. PAL Indonesia (Persero). Based on the rules of the Surabaya environment, 30% of the company's territory is green land. Currently about 15% green land in PT PAL Indonesia (Persero). "We are continuously working to improve the green land area but by not disrupting production processes and facilities. One of them with innovations in planting through the media pot "explained Junaidi. The pots were placed in several areas of need as in the northern area of the submarine facility, the northern region of the Harkan division, on the road platform, and several other places. With this innovation expected green land area in PT PAL Indonesia (Persero) can increase so that not only to obey the rules but also create a good environment and participate in supporting environmental and Earth campaign.

Picture 2. Ka. The Bureau of Gardening and Hygiene describes a green program in PT PAL Indonesia (Persero).

The efforts are not only limited to planting trees but also the care of plants and gardens in the environment of PT PAL Indonesia (Persero). "In the dry season and certain times, we do watering the parks and plants during the day and evening using the sprinklers with a capacity of each 0.7 tons, to ensure the plant is not short of water. Likewise with the media and fertilizer we replace and give periodic to ensure the adequiance of plant nutrients. For fertilizer we produce organic fertilizer from waste leaves in the environment of PT PAL Indonesia (Persero) which in one day can reach 2 tons ", said Junaidi.

Fig. 3. Ka. The Bureau of Gardening and hygiene shows the ready planting trees in the plantation of PT PAL Indonesia (Persero).

Prepared by: Department of Public Relations of PT PAL Indonesia (Persero).

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